The MLM/Network Marketing Professional Assessment

This form is an assessment for MLM and Network Market Business Owners to quickly assess their areas of strength and areas that require improvement to grow a successful business fast. Below you will find a list of the 10 Fundamental Skills every MLM or Network Marketing Business Owner needs to be successful. On a scale of 1-10, (1 as lowest/10 as highest) rate yourself in each of these categories, it will help assess the areas you are strong in and areas that you could use a little help in. Where are you the strongest? Where do you need improvement? These are important things to ask yourself as you prepare to grow your business. Be sure you answer them honestly.

  • Please provide your email address.
  • Please enter your name.
  • Learning - How skilled or comfortable are you in keeping yourself educated and current with the skills required to stay at the forefront of network marketing.
  • Finding Prospects - How skilled or comfortable are you knowing how, when, where, and who to find as a prospect?
  • Inviting - How skilled and comfortable are you inviting others to take a look at your business opportunity?
  • Presenting - How skilled and comfortable are you presenting others with an overview of your business opportunity?
  • Following Up - How skilled and comfortable are you with following up with the prospects you have either invited or presented to?
  • Closing - How skilled and comfortable are you with closing the sale or request to join your network with the prospects you have either invited or presented to?
  • Promoting Events - How skilled and comfortable are you with promoting events to prospects or to your downline?
  • Teaching - How skilled and comfortable are you with teaching business skills to prospects or to your downline?
  • Motivate others and staying motivated - How skilled and comfortable are you with motivating others in your business network, and keeping yourself motivated?
  • Duplicate - How skilled and comfortable are you with your ability to duplicate what you are doing, as well as duplicating your success over and over again in others?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.